
+52(322) 297-2077




Another Successful Over-40 IVF Baby!
We are so excited to announce the birth of Prophecy, our newest #SuccessfullOver40IVF baby! Prophecy was born 4 months ago. Tiffany shared with us her kind words about her experience with our clinic:

“I was so pleased to have had success with your treatment in giving birth to a lovely baby girl. Thank you so very much. The pregnancy went smoothly to full term and she is now a thriving 4-month-old.”

We are so grateful to Tiffany for sharing her story with us, and we are so proud to have helped her achieve her dream of parenthood. We know that IVF can be a challenging journey, but we are here to support our patients every step of the way. If you are over 40 and are considering IVF, we encourage you to contact us today to learn more about our program.

#Over40IVFSuccess #MiraclesHappen #NeverGiveUpWithUs #IVFover40 #PuertoVallarta #IVFInMex #IVFMexico #IVFinMexico #LIVFertilityCenter #TTCOver40 #TTC

Another IVF Over 40 IVF Baby: Prophecy!